The-Sierra-Leone-Minerals-Policy.pdf Artisanal-Mining-Policy-for-Sierra-Leone.pdf Geodata-Management-Policy.pdf
Author: Mustapha Koroma
SevenDiam in West Africa.
We are proud resale partner of SevenDiam mining and prospecting equipment for Western Africa.
Need Help expanding your trading outside Western Africa?Mine recovery rate is to low, cost of operation to high, so you cannot see results of your hard work?According to your idea and budget we plan your expansion complying to all local and international regulations.Your success is our success.
Problem Solving
Do you have a contract or deal in progress but you are having difficulties obtaining goods, visas, permits and licences? Logistics is driving you crazy, people lie to you: “TIA – this is Africa” is just a movie slang but for some people this is reality that they are facing once doing business in the… Continue reading Problem Solving